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Research & Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

Ye X, Wang KK, Ek ET. Ulnohumeral joint arthroscopy and transolecranon microfracture for osteochondritis dessicans of the humeral trochlea. Arthrosc Tech 2021. 

Porter MD, Shadbolt B, Ye X. Ankle lateral ligament augmentation versus Modified Brostrom-Gould procedure: A 5-year randomised control trial. Am J Sports Med 2019 Mar;47(3):659-666.

Ye X, Huang, D, Perriman D, Smith PN. The influence of screw to joint distance on articular subsidence in tibial plateau
fractures. Aust N Z J Surg 2019 Feb 12.

Ye X, Wong SW, Zhang J, Moo IH, Lee CC. Catheter-related upper limb thrombosis in a tertiary hospital setting. Aust N Z J Surg. 2016 Dec;86(12)” 1033-1037.

Ye X, Shokrollahi K, Rozen WM, Conyers R, Wright P, Kenner L, Turner SD, Whitaker IS. Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) and breast implants: Breaking down the evidence. Mutat Res-Rev Mutat 2014.

Ye X, Rozen WM, Guio-Aguilar PL, Ashton MW. The physiology of 'choke' vessels between vascular territories: Literature review and rare case of LeRiche’s Syndrome. Clin Anat 2012 Nov; 25(8):998-1004.

Rozen WM, Ye X [Equal first author], Guio-Aguilar PL, Alonso-Burgos A, Goldblatt J, Ashton MW, Whitaker IS. Autologous microsurgical breast reconstruction and coronary artery bypass grafting: an anatomical study and clinical implications. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2012 Jul; 134(1):181-98.

Ye X, Warrier S, Nejad KJ, Parasyn DA. Subcutaneous spreading squamous cell carcinoma in a patient with Epidermolysis Bullosa. J Surg Case Rep 2012(8):10.

Ye X, Aziza S, Gomes S, Lancashire W, Thomas PS. A case of vocal cord dysfunction with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: Is there
a link? Chest Disease Reports 2011 Aug; 1(1): ePub.

Ghent F, Ye X, Yan M, Mobbs RJ. A contrast-enhancing lumbar ligamentum flavum haematoma. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Mar 18:2014.

Gonski P, Ye X. Fractures related to falls in older patients attending an emergency department. Australas J Ageing 2013 Mar; 32(1):64.

Rozen WM, Ye X, Overstall S, Leong J. The use of non-invasive angiography for digital ischemia in Raynaud's disease. J Reconstr Microsurg 2012 Oct; 28(8):569-70.

Behan FC, Ye X, Rozen WM. ‘La Fenetre’: The Australian origins of the fenestrated skin graft. Aust N Z J Surg 2011 Oct; 81(10):755.

Behan FC, Paddle A, Rozen WM, Ye X, Speakman D, Henderson M. The Quadriceps Keystone Island Flap for closure of large groin defects following radical inguinal lymphadenectomy. Aust N Z J Surg 2011 May 17: ePub.

Podium Presentations

Ye X, Wang KK and Ek EE. Clinical Outcome Following Arthroscopic Proximal Radio-Ulnar Joint Releases for Forearm Rotational Stiffness. The Shoulder and Elbow Society of Australia biannual scientific congress (3 April, 2022. Sydney).

Ye X, Wang KK, Biggins R, Wilks, D and McCombe D. Median nerve recovery with closed vs open reduction of paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures. Australian Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (10 March, 2022. Port Douglas QLD)

Ye X, Wang KK and Ek EE. Clinical Outcome Following Arthroscopic Proximal Radio-Ulnar Joint Releases for Forearm Rotational Stiffness. Australian Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (12 March, 2022. Port Douglas QLD)

Ye X and Schick B. Randomised control trial on intramedullary nailing versus low-profile plating of unstable fifth metacarpal neck fractures. NSW Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (2 December 2019, Bowral).

Ye X, Huang D, Perriman D, Smith PN. Radiographic analysis of implant position and articular subsidence in tibial plateau fractures . Australian Orthopaedic Association ACT Branch Annual Scientific Meeting (1 December 2017, Canberra)

Porter M, Shadbolt B, Ye X. LARS augmentation vs. Modified Brostrom-Gould (MBG) for chronic ankle LCL instability: a 5-year Randomized Controlled Trial. Australian Orthopaedic Association ACT Branch Annual Scientific Meeting (1 December
2017, Canberra).

Ye X and Myers S. Isolated Closed FDS Rupture: A Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature. NSW Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (4 December 2016, Orange).

Ye X, Wong SW, Zhang J, Moo IH, Lee CC. Catheter-related upper limb thrombosis in a tertiary hospital setting. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress (8 May 2015, Perth).

Ye X, Lowe S, White C, Morris S, Budden A, Mulford J. Fractures Related To Transient Osteoporosis Of Pregnancy. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress (8 May 2015, Perth) and Victorian AOA Annual Scientific Meeting (20 February 2015, Lorne).

Ye X and Myers S. Prospective Observational Study on Blind versus Ultrasound guided hand injections. Australian Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (5 March 2015, Hobart) and NSW Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (15
November 2014, Kiama).

Ye X and Myers S. Carpal Bosses. NSW Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (15 November 2013, Canberra).

Ye X and Myers S. Radiotherapy for Dupuytren’s Disease. NSW Hand Surgery Association Annual Conference (24 November
2012, Sydney).

Ongoing HREC approved research projects

Ye X, Wang KK, Biggins R, Wilks D and McCombe D. Median nerve recovery with closed versus open reduction of paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures

Ye X, Wang KK, Ek ET. Clinical outcome following arthroscopic proximal radio-ulnar joint releases for forearm rotational stiffness.

Ye X (principal investigator) and Schick B. Randomised control trial on intramedullary nailing versus low-profile plating of unstable fifth metacarpal neck fractures. HREC 14/280.

Ye X, Huang, D, Yi B, Perriman D, Smith PN. The effect of new oral anticoagulants and warfarin on geriatric hip fractures. Podium presentation 2018 AOA ACT ASM.

Ye X, Barr L, Huang, D, Loel B, Perriman D, Smith PN. Epidemiology of Paediatric Osteoarticular Infections (POI) in the Australian Capital Territory. Podium presentation 2018 AOA ACT ASM.

Huang D, Ye X, Perriman D, Smith PN. Reliability of the transverse acetabular ligament as an intraoperative reference for acetabular component placement: a radiographic analysis of 888 primary total hip replacements. Podium presentation 2018 AOA

Book Chapters

Ye X and Ross M. Hamate Arthrosis and Lunotriquetral Tears (HALT) syndrome. ASSH Surgical Anatomy: Ulnar-Sided Wrist (In press 2022)

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